Sunday, August 21, 2011

20110821 Pray for Our Teen

Thank You Lord for simple fun times with our teen.
Lord make us wise and listen to Your advice.
We call out Your Name and seek Your guidance
moment by moment
each of our days.
Help us teach by how we live.
Give us the courage and hope to instruct our teen to successfully run life's race.
To know his calling, the condition that's best for his soul
that least exposes him to Your wrath but gives him more opportunity
of serving and enjoying You, Our Lord.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

20110817 Wednesday Recluse

Call me lazy for taking it easy.
Another Wednesday, my non-working holiday.
Fleeing tension with relaxation,
Reading,writing,cooking and playing at my leisure.
Cheap at half the price for pleasure
in the privacy of one's home,
where my mind starts to roam.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

20110811 Of Cowboys and Guns

The sign language for the word  traffic looks like a man holding and shooting two pistols aimed at an enemy.  The sign description says: Both 3 classifier hands move back and forth next to each other with palms facing each other.   Being on the road feels like being in a war zone.  No wonder I can never muster up the courage to drive a car, ride a motorcycle or even ride a bike. 

20110811 Of Lightning & Thunder

Braved several flashes of lightning on my way home from class tonight.
I could wait for the rain to stop and walked home along closed shops
or walked home along brightly lit shops amid the thunderstorm.

Thank you, Lord, for protecting the Mother,who had to brave the lightning and thunder
while the rain kept beating on her face, as she take her daughter home from class
on her motorcycle.

Thank you, Lord, for protecting the child, who had to brave the thunderstorm
riding home on his bicycle on busy streets among cars.

Thank you, Lord, for protecting the drivers, who had to be on the road at this kind of weather.
Be it driving home a loved one, or someone else's
Or be he driving home to his loved ones waiting for him at home.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

20110803 Bugging Paparazzo

Deliberately for my ears as I was taking photos at the 
Cultural Center this afternoon.

Woman: Look! Somebody's taking our photos and then she'll be posting them...

Me: Sorry lady, I'm more interested in taking photos of worms. To prove see here 

She's such a coward for not engaging me in confrontation.
I'm more of a coward for just keeping my reply to my thoughts.

Much as I would love to put a bug in her ear, I want to give her credit for a subject to write about today and another one in the future about the ways to say "Bug Off!"