Friday, April 15, 2011

20110416 He is Lord

You made me walk amongst the dead
And see through their made up pallor
You showed me imitations of Your work
supplemented, altered, and counteracted upon.

You let me hear the soul's anguish
You make me discern the enemies' deceit.
"Subdue, rule over, work, take care"
You do it.  You are Lord.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

20110410 Presence

Lord, it is You that have led me thus far,
You enticed me to the path that leads to life.
You showed me how to walk the narrow way
A walk for two,
of You and me.

To know You and live in Your Presence.
Not just an assurance to claim when my life's through.
You filled me with Your Presence each moment of the day
Such exciting way of life You granted.
I will delight in the pleasures that You give.

You will make me speak of Your good deeds
in every conversations though be few.
You want me to see how You can change one's view.
I shall wait for You,
As only You can,
one's mind renew.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

20110407 Of Teas, Coffee & Cake

A gift from a friend,
shared with more friends.

I brought half of this cake to visit Ruth,
the ever gracious hostess at Cafe 349
yesterday afternoon.
We had our cup of coffee with this Icewine Tea Chiffon Cake.

I got to meet one of her friends,
a lovely lady.
We continued our conversation as
Ruth's customers started to come in.
It was one afternoon that I need not worry about
what food to put on the table for hubby and son.
Ruth had it all planned for me.
I just took the bag home
and laid them on the table.
A dish of vegetable, chicken and fish.

I thank my Lord for the time to enjoy people.
People in different walks of life.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"The Lord, whose name is Jealous"

Exodus 34:14
Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.

I had a wise father who sent me to a school that according to him "teaches right from wrong." (This was the answer that he could give a third grader when asked  why he sent us to this Christian School when he himself wouldn't believe in Jesus - ah, the burden that we were given since Grade 1.
He accepted Christ in his deathbed though.)

Today I am reminded of what he taught me about acquiring things that will never be stolen, which is wise of him..
and You Lord, reminded me that it was You who made him teach me so.

My father did leave something for us, thinking it would help..
You, Lord ,allowed them to be taken away..
Some friends did try to help us fight..
You, Lord, said, stop the case, let go.
  1. Jeremiah 9:24

  1. but let the one who boastboast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares the LORD.

You wanted me to boast of this and this alone.

"My name, the Lord"

Exodus 33:19
And the LORD said, “I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the LORD, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.

You Lord, will have mercy on whom You have mercy,
and will have compassion on whom You will have compassion.
It is not what I with all the auxiliary verbs + do or I with all the auxiliary verbs + not+do.
You are the Lord.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Psalm 37:4
Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

When I was young and selfish, I thought He will give me what I wanted.
As I grew older and yet did not get what I wanted,
I began to seriously ask Him what He meant by it.

In time He made me understand that He wanted me to want what He wanted me to want.
Pressed for time, I succumbed (Lord, You are patient) and asked Him then to make me want what He wanted me to want.
He took it right away even when I am not that ready to change my heart. (Lord, You are merciful)
Boy, am I glad that I surrendered!

Behold, I didn't see..

I bought this whole piece of bamboo shoot.
The woman asked if I'd want it peeled.
Don't know why I refused.
Must have thought I can do it myself.
Not until I tried to split it open, (1)
and decided to peel a layer off,
  that I wondered how it should be done.
I have watched it done before.
Just kept on peeling until (2),(3)
and doubted if I have really watched
in the real sense of the word.
There must be a way of peeling it
and for sure it doesn't look like this at all. (4)