Sunday, September 23, 2012

20120923 Why Do?

20120919 To some, the decision to make or not comes just by a look at the ingredients.
To some others, it may take making one to find out.
To this one,
the urge to make one is too strong that the lack of baking powder was substituted with

 sodium bicarbonate
and the lack of molasses or honey was ignored.
The butter was melted in the microwave, 1/4c. liquid it became
and the whole place smelled of cow.
Was it the beer?
It smelled of plastic.
Maybe I should have used imported beer instead of Taiwan beer for this recipe?
I really want to post the recipe here, but couldn't find it now..
must have been that disappointed.
Oh well, sometimes the fun of making comes purely from an expecting spirit
I call 'hope'.